This can create a howling or squealing type noise and uneven stacking or slipping of the rewind coil being produced. The paper winder will rewind the interleaving paper, as the strip is paid off. 这种情况会造成呜嚎或尖啸类型的噪声,料卷卷边不齐或者产生卷取机带卷滑移。
The company mainly engaged in aluminum building materials, coating aluminum coil, aluminum oxide paper, aluminum and other chromate treatment. 公司介绍本公司主要经营铝建材,涂层铝卷,氧化铝卷,铬酸盐处理铝材等。
Orienting to grid arc suppressing coil on-line running system, this paper proposed a simple reliable tracking calculation method for capacitive current against ground. 本次研究在开发超大容量消弧线圈的同时,达到了随调、精细调节、高可靠性的要求。
The main products are:, music card, the coil, wrapping paper, and other products. 主要产品有:电蚊拍、音乐卡、线圈本、包装纸,等产品。
The wool is all snarled up. transformer coil winding paper 毛线缠结成一团了。变压器线圈缠绕用纸
With high-power and LF combination, large magnetic cylinder unit is adopted for bass, high-temperature-resisting voice coil material and paper cone, abundant low frequency effect can be obtained. 并且大功率设计成大功率低频配合衔接游刃有低音采用储备的大磁缸单元,采用耐高温音圈材料,加夺取纸盆提供丰满厚实的低频效果。
Transformer coil winding paper 变压器线圈缠绕用纸
In this paper, the design plan of dual-purpose coil storage saddle and coil corriage both for steel spools and paper spools is discussed. 作者对钢、纸套筒两用的存放座和上卷小车的设计方案进行了探讨。
An analysis of the cause of pitting corrosion failure of heat exchange coil is made by means of X-ray energy spectrometer in this paper. 利用化学分析和X射线能量色散谱等方法,对换热器盘管孔蚀的原因进行了分析。
By combining the rate equation ( RE) model with the chemical kinetics model, the effects of gain saturation models and chemical reaction systems on the performance of COIL are discussed in this paper. 将速率方程(RE)模型与化学动力学模型相结合,讨论了增益饱和模型与化学反应系统对COIL性能的影响。
The relation between electromagnetic induction coil turns and detecting sensitivity is discussed in this paper, and when the detecting distance is determined, the optimal diameter value of the coil is proved. 本文讨论了电磁感应探测传感线圈的匝数与探测灵敏度的关系,论证了在探距确定的条件下,探测传感线圈直径的最优值。
The calculation method of the coil temperature rise in SF6 gas insulated transformer under nature gas circulation is introduced. The effects of power loss and heat dissipation on the coil temperature rise are also discussed in this paper. 本文分析了自冷式SF6气体绝缘变压器线圈温升的计算方法,并对变压器功率损耗与散热情况对线圈温升的影响进行了讨论。
The making principles of the exploring coil are studied in this paper. 本文对探测线圈的制作原理作了探讨。
The concept and technology of welding machine coil temperature testing are introduced in this paper. 本文介绍一种新的电焊机线圈温升检测技术的基本原理。
The influences of the side guides 'controls over the positioning and the force on the telescopes of coil tails during coiling are introduced in the paper. 介绍了在卷取过程中侧导板的位置控制和力控制功能对带尾塔形的影响。
The compensation principle of arc suppression coil with three phases and five columns system is introduced in this paper. 介绍了三相五柱式消弧线圈的补偿原理。
According to the value of electromagnetic parameters and the voltage signal of testing coil gained by the solution, the paper seeked the relationship between the carburized layer depth and electromagnetic characteristics based on impedance analysis theory. 根据求得的电磁参量大小和检测线圈电压信号值,基于阻抗分析理论,分析了渗碳层特性对于涡流检测电磁场参量的影响规律。
Based on electromagnetic induction principle, a model of induction coil launcher, in which a position sensor can control the turn-on time is equipped outside the coil, is designed in this paper. 该文基于电磁感应原理,设计出了新型线圈发射器模型,该模型利用线圈外部的传感器来控制电路放电时间,克服了传统结构的缺陷。
Firstly, an electromagnetic stirring unit for experiment with a single coil was designed in this paper. 本文首先设计了单个线圈进行电磁搅拌的实验装置。
In order to get the magnetic field distribution with an ideal focusing capability, schemes of coil array in plane and torus shape are presented in this paper. 提出了以平面和圆环面聚焦线圈阵列实现磁聚焦的方案。
Manufacturing process for the rotor coil of air-cooled turbogenerator is presented in this paper. The reliability of the equipment and tools for this purpose are validated. 本文简要叙述了空冷系列汽轮发电机转子线圈制造工艺过程,并验证了制造空冷型汽轮发电机转子线圈(四角拼焊结构)的工装、工具的可靠性。
Functional relations between measured linewidth and optical parameters, structural parameters, oscillator coil and high-frequency rectangular pulse numbers have been derived in the paper. 推导了被测线宽与光学性能参数,结构参数,振荡频率以及高频矩形脉冲数之间的函数关系式。
A new principle of selective ground-fault protection for the are-suppression coil neutral grounded systems is proposed in this paper. The algorithmic model of the action criterion is presented based on the half-wave Fourier algorithm. 介绍了一种适用于中性点经消弧线圈接地电网的接地保护新原理,给出了基于半波傅氏算法的动作判据算法模型。
An experimental study on the performance of freeze-dryer's cold trap has been carried out under different temperature of the cold trap coil and different frost thickness in the paper. 对影响冻干机冷阱传热性能的两个因素(冷阱盘管壁面温度和结霜厚度)进行了实验研究。
The technology and devices at home and abroad for braze welding the stator coil water connectors of large turbogenerators are in detail analyzed in this paper. 本文对目前国内外汽轮发电机定子线圈水接头的钎焊工艺与设备现状进行了分析。
A new plugging test method for water cooled stator coil was described in this paper. 介绍了一种新的检查水冷定子线圈堵塞的方法。
Based on the analysis on the coil structure of the induction velocity transducer, the paper explores about some factors which affect the test precision of the velocity, and puts forward the technical ways to improve the test precision of the velocity. 本文对感应式测速传感器的线圈结构进行了简要分析,探讨了影响测速精度的一些因素及提高测速精度的技术途径。
The influence of vibration, eccentricity of rotating coil magnetometer on its accuracy is analysed in this paper. 本文分析了旋转测磁仪的振动和测磁线圈偏心、振动等因素对测量精度的影响。
A approach based on the air-gap-flux orientated control of the torque coil is also analysed in this paper. 采用基于转矩绕组气隙磁场定向的控制策略,能有效地控制气隙磁链的幅值和相位,实现电磁转矩和悬浮力的解耦控制。
After analysing the features of the structure of current coil skeleton parts and material formation, the paper introduces the injection die design method of this part. 分析了电流线圈骨架零件的结构特点及材料成型特点,介绍了该零件的注射模具设计方法。